Monday, April 02, 2007

Should Schools Stop Teaching the Holocaust to Avoid Offending Muslim Students?

The Cafferty File, part of The Situation Room on CNN, poses a question every hour The Situation Room is on. This is today's 7:00 question, and a response.
7 p.m.: Should schools drop the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils?

First of all, how does the Holocaust offend Muslims? If Wikipedia is correct, Hitler was Christian. Second, what about Jews' and Gypsies' feelings? If we don’t teach about this grave injustice, it could happen again. Wouldn’t many Americans be offended if the Revolutionary War wasn’t taught in out schools? The Holocaust is just as important to humanities history as the Revolutionary War was to our history. Please pick a better question next time, Jack.


Ron said...

This is an insane question. Have Jews become so politically incorrect that we can't recognize the Holocaust? There are serious issues to resolve in Irseal and throught the ME, but denying the Holocaust? What's next, disavowing the Crusades?


Simmons said...

"Have Jews become so politically incorrect that we can't recognize the Holocaust?"

Do you mean Muslims have become so politically incorrect?
