Saturday, October 18, 2008

The U.S. should pull out of Chicago immediately

The U.S. should immediately pull out of Chicago!

Body count. In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago, 221 killed in Iraq.


libhom said...

Of course, that doesn't count the tens or hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have been killed during that time period.

Anonymous said...

Even if your numbers are correct, you are missing the point, so I will repeat it for you. 292 Americans died outside of a war zone in my great homeland. How many do you think died under the YEARS of the Saddam regime?

Support the warrior and the war. You don't know half the good things we are doing thanks to the liberal agenda of the major press networks.

Anonymous said...

i just say thank u for u, i follow your blog, my english is not good to say something
about yuor blog but i am good to reading :)

Anonymous said...

That is an interesting statistic. It's hard to say how I feel about it. In my opinion I would like troops pulled out, because it is a big reason for our financial crisis. If there really is so much progress over there, I have to question why the government doesn't parade around showing the Americans what good they have done to keep support up. Thought provoking point you've made!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't it follow from the logic of this post that A) we have been successful in Iraq, therefore, B) we ought to resolve to withdraw our troops beginning today? Why hasn't our government agreed to a plan with the Iraqi government if success has been seen; why the delay?

Further anonymous, your argument doesn't follow because if it did, "warriors" who challenge the war would be a contradiction on its face; however, as we can empirically challenge that claim (e.g., anti-war veterans), your argument is baseless. There isn't a reasonable link between "support for the war" and "not supporting the warriors."

Anonymous said...

The surprises from Barack Obama, it seems, are unrelenting.

Just one day before our historic Presidential election, here is some BREAKING NEWS regarding Barack Hussein Obama that may shock you. After you discover this secret of Obama's (text and photographic evidence included), please share the information with friends and family.

The clock is ticking. We CAN win this election.

Here's the link to "Evidence of Obama’s Socialist Connections":

Currently, this is the top story on the political blog's home page.

The home page is:

GeekGirl2u said...

The surprises from Barack Obama, it seems, are unrelenting.

Just one day before our historic Presidential election, here is some BREAKING NEWS regarding Barack Hussein Obama that may shock you. After you discover this secret of Obama's (text and photographic evidence included), please share the information with friends and family.

The clock is ticking. We CAN win this election.

Here's the link to "Evidence of Obama’s Socialist Connections":

Currently, this is the top story on the political blog's home page.

The home page is:

GeekGirl2u said...

The surprises from Barack Obama, it seems, are unrelenting.

Just one day before our historic Presidential election, here is some BREAKING NEWS regarding Barack Hussein Obama that may shock you. After you discover this secret of Obama's (text and photographic evidence included), please share the information with friends and family.

The clock is ticking. We CAN win this election.

Here's the link to "Evidence of Obama’s Socialist Connections":

Currently, this is the top story on the political blog's home page.

The home page is:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to heard it, i hope iin the future never happen again

GDAEman said...

Hey. It looks like you're allowing comments again w/o registering. Somehow, I could never get that to work.

Welcome back (I hope).... I'll now go try to publish my comment. Wish me luck!

badthing1 said...

It makes me as sick as it makes you, my dear Simmons.

We need a less violent world to live in.

I am adding your blog to my list of favorites upon my own blog you caring person.

Anonymous said...

Nice writing, I am looking forward to reading more from you.

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Anonymous said...

It's very bad, I'm so sorry to heard it. How we can stop this in future.

GDAEman said...

Leave it to Libhom to cover it for me.

Anonymous said...

no way, 292 dead in Chicago in just 6 months. That's an extreme number. When are you posting a new item?

Anonymous said...

The clock is ticking. We CAN win this election.

Anonymous said...

This post really puts things in perspective. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Speaking as a Chicagoan, the US should do more for its big cities, such as. obtain additional jobs and various grants to get people off the streets. They should take some of that money given to the Iraqis and do something about the crime in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

there are so many people being killed by the americans in all middle east war which american involved.
iraq, afghanistan
the number of killed in reports are far more lesser than the real numbers i think

Anonymous said...

barack obama will change the world.. is is true?

Anonymous said...

Ahahaha!! that is a funy statistic you are giving us. It's hard to say how I feel about it. In my opinion I would like troops out, it would help balancing the financial crisis. If there really is so much progress over there, I have to question why the government doesn't parade around showing the Americans what good they have done to keep support up.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Barrack promised to move out of Iraq. Will the next president promise to move us outta Chicago?

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is quite amazing. Living in Chicage i am maybe planning to move in Bagdad since weather is better and as sure for an american.

intersting post, Olivia

Anonymous said...

We just hope if this war will the end, and we never heard again this count

Anonymous said...

I hope this count will stop in the future

Anonymous said...

Maybe we must try to find what is happen today ? why some people killed

Anonymous said...

this is really a good post!

Anonymous said...

nice blogging.thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect? War will take casualties, enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

So where are the missiles?

The Watcher said...

lol, i like your clever take on the media's shortsightedness.

Anonymous said...

Truly inspirational…I really like Brian Tracy, Henry Ford, and Napoleon Hill’s quotes. they have sense and can be related to whats happening in reality.

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Of course, that doesn't count the tens or hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have been killed during that time period.

web tasarımı said...

Even if your numbers are correct, you are missing the point, so I will repeat it for you. 292 Americans died outside of a war zone in my great homeland. How many do you think died under

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Of course, that doesn't count the tens or hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have been killed during that time period.

Shera said...

Further anonymous, your argument doesn't follow because if it did, "warriors" who challenge the war would be a contradiction on its face; however, as we can empirically challenge that claim (e.g., anti-war veterans), your argument is baseless. There isn't a reasonable link between "support for the war" and "not supporting the warriors." web tasarımı

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Yes, poor soldiers, tha bad ones are killing a few of them. What about thousands of innocent Iraquies children, women, men killed in this useless war? You watch too many american movies...

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Well, don't you think that incomparable numbers are being compared?
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They really should do something about that. I mean seriously. People are dying there, everyday. It's about time they enforced stronger laws for citizen protection.

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Of course, that doesn't count the tens or hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have been killed during that time period.

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