Wednesday, March 26, 2008

France Pledges More Soldiers for Afghanistan; More Still Needed

More at the International Relations Blog

Reuters: Sarkozy pledges more troops for Afghanistan

Afghanistan, “The Forgotten War”, has been in dire need of more, unhindered NATO troops. The remaining troops in Afghanistan from most European countries have been under strict restrictions from their government to prevent casualties. Unfortunately, this has hampered progress in Afghanistan. The U.S. has been calling for more, new troops for months.

In a speech to the British parliament, French president Nicolas Sarkozy pledged more French troops for the war, and called on Britain to send more as well.

Setting a precedent
Hopefully, these new troops will encourage other NATO countries, such as the U.K. and Germany to send more soldiers.

More troops are still needed

Other NATO allies, including Britain and Germany (mentioned above), Canada, Turkey and Spain still need to send more troops. A stable, safe Afghanistan will benefit all of them.


Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Glad yu posted on this, with some luck other nations may feel compelled to do same. we shall see...