Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy Birthday

A provocative question for (imaginary) readers: Shouldn't Happy Birthday be sung on Christmas?

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Looking Back

Often, especially when referring to the Iraq War, many politicians say something along the lines of "Knowing what I know now…" and then make an excuse for voting for the Iraq war or agreeing with it. This is an unacceptable excuse. Knowing what the U.S. knows now, would they still have dropped a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Would they fight in Vietnam? You can't look back on what you did and say, "Knowing what I know now, knowing how it turned out, I wouldn't have done that." That is just a pathetic excuse. Saying, "Thinking back, even only knowing what I knew then, I regret making that decision," makes perfect sense because you're realizing you should have realized then it was a bad decision. Judging people in the past also has to be done carefully. Before judging, think about the time period and what the people thought and believed.

Taken from BBC

The fading of the dream has led to a falling-out among the neo-conservatives themselves.

In particular, two leading neo-conservatives, Richard Perle and Kenneth Adelman, attacked the Bush team in Vanity Fair magazine. Both had been on a Pentagon advisory board. Both had argued for war in Iraq.

In an article called "Neo Culpa", Richard Perle declared that had he known how it would turn out, he would have been against it: "I think now I probably would have said: 'No, let's consider other strategies'."

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Dead Soldier's Idea

Dead Soldier Spells Out Iraq Solution...With Stick Figures

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Illegal Immigration starts with Economics

Once upon a time, in a not-so-far off land called North America, there were two neighboring cities. Usa and Mex were their names, and the river Immigration ran strong through them. The native citizens of Usa did not like this river running through their town; they even have an ordinance against rivers running through the city, but because of many different complicated reasons, this ordinance wasn’t enforced. Mex was happy just to have all of that water out of their town because it wasn’t doing any good there. The council of Usa decided something had to be done. They came up with a plan. They convinced Mex to build a dam in the river to block most of Immigration River. In exchange, Mex would get a wheel from the town of Usa that would provide hydroelectric power. To finish the job, Usa would build another dam on the edge of Usa to stop the trickle of Immigration River that could get through Mex’s dam. Everyone lived happily ever after.

Sound familiar? It should. This represents the illegal immigration problem the United States is currently facing. It also represents what could be happening to end the dilemma. If the United States (Usa) could provide support (hydroelectric wheel) to the Mexican poor (Mex represented Mexico) and demolish the crime and drug lords, everyone’s happy (first dam built). With jobs and a better life, fewer immigrants (Immigrant River) would sneak into the country. Then Washington could worry about the problem back in their territory (the second dam). Ending immigration starts with the first step of aiding the poor and needy in Mexico.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Excerpts from Rumsfeld's Parting Memo

These are some of the possible options soon-to-be former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld outlined in a classified memo to President Bush for "a major adjustment" in Iraq.

  • Significantly boost the number of US trainers and transfer more equipment to the Iraqi security forces.
  • Decrease quickly the number of US bases, now 55, to five by July 2007.
  • Provide US security only in cities or provinces that actively cooperate.
  • Focus reconstruction "in those parts of Iraq that are behaving . . . No more reconstruction assistance in areas where there is violence."
  • Place substantial US forces near the borders with Syria and Iran to reduce infiltration and reduce Iran's influence.
  • Withdraw US forces from vulnerable positions, such as patrols, and use them as a quick-reaction force to assist Iraqi security forces when needed.
  • Begin modest withdrawals of US and coalition forces to encourage the Iraqi government to take charge.
  • Provide money to political and religious leaders "to get them to help us through this difficult period."
  • Announce that the United States is trying out a new approach, which would allow further adjustments, if necessary.

Source: Boston Globe

Interesting, especially after the Iraq Study Group came out with its report.